Monday, August 11, 2014

Swooning for Trudeau

A Vancouver Sun scribbler shows how it's done:
Trudeaumania II? Unlikely, given the Age of Aquarius has given way to an era of attack ads and deep political cynicism. 
And Trudeau is still far from a polished politician, struggling last week to deal with policy issues such as the new federal requirement for First Nations to publicly disclose their leaders’ remuneration. 
But the Liberal leader, who so frequently seems outclassed among his intellectually forceful and more experienced adversaries on Parliament Hill, gave other politicians a clinic on how to connect with ordinary citizens at events like Vancouver’s Aug. 3 Pride parade. 
“Oh my God, it’s Justin Trudeau! Justin, I love you!” shouted a startled Joanna Ludlow, 21, when she realized Trudeau, clearly relaxed and basking in the crowd’s affection, was leading a group of flamboyantly-dressed Liberals dancing through Vancouver’s West End in the blazing sunshine. 
Trudeau was in a long-sleeve white cotton shirt, blue jeans and alligator shoes, wearing cheap gold and red beads someone put around his neck just before the parade began. He moved easily from one side of the street to the other as the crowds responded to his smile and wave like a magnet...
Magnets can wave? If you say so, swooning scribbler.

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