Monday, November 24, 2014

The Wooly Mully-Bullies of Iran Think If They Host an Anti-Terrorism Conference No One Will Notice That Iran Is a State Sponsor of Terrorism

As Meghan Trainor might sing, "Because it's about about ISIS, ISIS, ISIS, no Hezbo...":
This is one of the few occasions where top Muslim Shiite and Sunni clerics and scholars from across the world are seen under one roof to exchange views on a subject which has turned into the biggest challenge for the world of Islam next to the issue of Palestine. The increase of horrific crimes against ordinary Muslims by groups such as al-Qaeda and the ISIL in the name of Islam has now turned into an alarm signal for these scholars that are here to draw a clear separation line between Islam and Terrorism.   
The event is titled the world congress on extremism and Tekfiri movements in the Islamic scholars’ view. Jointly organized by two of Iran’s prominent religious clerics Grand Ayatollah’s Makarem Shirazi and Grand Ayatollah Sobhani the congress is centered on the role of top Muslim clerics or Ulama, in uniting the Islamic world against Tekfiri terrorists. Some scholars believe that barbaric acts of decapitating prisoners by groups like the ISIL are an Israeli project aimed at diverting the public opinion towards the suppression of Palestinians by Israeli.  
Some "scholars" are nuttier than my mama's pecan pie.

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